Mon. Mar 25th, 2024

Most business owners and entrepreneurs tend to organize their companies using one of two basic structures: the master-feeder structure or the affiliate structure. In this article, we’re going to take an in-depth look at the first of these structures, the master-feeder structure, including its definition, how it works and its pros and cons.

We’ll also discuss some basic things you need to know if you’re considering starting a business using this structure and point out some of the legal issues you’ll need to be aware of when operating under this framework.

What Is a Master-Feeder Structure?

Master-Feeder Structure is a type of organizational structure in which a company has two divisions: a Master Division and a Feeder Division. The Master Division typically sells goods or services and the Feeder Division provides resources that help make it possible for the Master Division to succeed.

In an ideal world, both divisions would be profitable, but this may not always be the case. One of the biggest pros of this structure is that if one division becomes unprofitable, it can subsidize other parts of the business by selling its resources.

This allows companies to avoid going into debt, because they are able to keep generating income from their Feeder Division even when their market slows down.

The feeder division also acts as a natural buffer against recession. When market conditions are poor, consumer spending is usually on hold. This can have a devastating effect on sales for a business that only sells goods, since people won’t buy its products if they don’t have enough money.

In contrast, companies with a Master/Feeder structure can survive weak economic conditions more easily because their Feeder Division will pick up some of their slack.

While these types of companies can thrive in good economic times, they also have a tendency to fall apart when bad times hit. In addition, poorly structured feeder divisions can lead to conflicts of interest and manipulative behavior by master divisions.

For example, if a feeder division is producing materials for a master division and then starts selling its own goods on top of that, it could create a conflict that leads some customers away from buying from either side. This type of behavior goes against consumer interests and hurts businesses.

How the Master-Feeder Structure Works

The Master-Feeder Structure is a type of organizational structure that may work well for those who have just one location and want the company’s headquarters to be centrally located.

The Master-Feeder Structure allows for each subsidiary of the company to report back up to the parent company’s headquarters. In this way, the head office can maintain some oversight over their sub-companies.

This organizational structure also has advantages in terms of rapid expansion, because it does not require as much coordination as other structures when opening a new subsidiary. The Master-Feeder Structure also provides more centralization which can help with efficiency and with capital allocation. Finally, this type of organization is also advantageous because it minimizes inter-subsidiary competition.

Composition of Master-Feeders

A Master-Feeder is a type of company that is structured as a holding company with subsidiaries. The master company, or parent corporation, owns all of the shares of its subsidiary corporations.

This type of company’s name comes from its two components: the master company owns all of the shares (i.e., has ownership or majority share) in one or more subsidiary companies, and these subsidiaries are responsible for providing goods or services to their parent corporation and other customers. The Master-Feeder structure allows for a high degree of control over financial reporting and regulatory compliance.

Advantages of the Master-Feeder Structure

The Master-Feeder Structure has many advantages. The first is that it creates a set of clear reporting relationships and provides a hierarchical organization that allows the company to be managed more efficiently.

Additionally, the Master-Feeder Structure makes it easier for the company to offer training programs because there is a natural progression of skills and abilities from one level of management to the next. It also helps with succession planning because employees move up or down in their career based on their own performance and skills development.

Finally, this structure also provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment for employees who are not in management positions by allowing them opportunities for cross-training and experience at different levels throughout the company.

Disadvantages of the Master-Feeder Structure

The Master-Feeder Structure, also known as the Fishbone Structure, has been around for a long time. It’s a planning and organizing tool that can be used in both business and personal situations. While it is effective for many tasks and reasons, it does have some disadvantages that you should consider before deciding to use this method of organization:

-The Master-Feeder Structure requires time commitment.
-It may not work well for individuals who like to work alone without direction or guidance.
-It can lead to confusion when there are different levels of authority.
-It can lead employees with multiple roles or responsibilities into conflict because they’re not sure which job they’re supposed to do at the time.
-It is not an effective structure for a large business or corporation.

Real-World Example of Master-Feeder Structure

Companies that use the Master-Feeder Structure often have a CEO or President in charge of the parent company and a CFO in charge of the feeder company. The parent company may provide funding for the feeder company but doesn’t oversee it too closely. The parent company, for example, might only check on whether all employees are being paid monthly and ensure that the feeder is profitable. In this way, both companies can operate as independent entities while still benefitting from each other’s presence.


In conclusion, a master-feeder structure is an effective way to organize your company. It can lead to greater success and growth for you, your employees, and your business. It’s important that you know how the master-feeder structure works and what it entails before making a decision.

Keep in mind that while a master-feeder structure can be beneficial, you need to carefully consider your business’s needs and goals. It may not be right for everyone or every business; there are many other structures out there that might suit your situation better.

For example, if your business is very large and has numerous locations around the world, a master-feeder structure might get unwieldy because you’ll have people all over making decisions about how their employees should operate. It’s best for smaller businesses or businesses with relatively few employees (you don’t want too many levels of management). Even so, it may still be an option worth considering; use these tips and resources to make an informed decision.