Mon. Mar 25th, 2024

We’ve just entered one of the most challenging economic times in decades, with widespread unemployment and struggling businesses that aren’t willing to hire new people unless absolutely necessary.

That’s led some people to give up on even trying to find work, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Even during an economic downturn, there are still plenty of ways you can make money during recession, whether by starting your own business or taking on jobs at home. Here are 15 ways you can make money during a recession.

1) Get a part-time job

Get a part-time job. One of the easiest ways to make money during a recession is to get a part-time job. You can usually find these jobs at restaurants, retail stores, or in other service industries. No one is immune to recessions and it’s always good to have a backup plan.

2) Do odd jobs

Odd jobs are the perfect way to make some money on the side. But with so many odd jobs out there, how can you know what to do? Thankfully, we’ve listed several odd jobs that will help you earn some money.
– Pet Sitting
– Babysitting
– Selling Crafts Online
– Flea Market Sales If you have any unused items lying around your house, don’t throw them away! Instead, sell them at your local flea market and make some extra cash.
– Computer Repair: Computers break all the time and most people don’t know how to fix them themselves. Offer your services as an independent computer repair person for those who need them!

3) Invest in stocks

Investing in stocks is one way to make money during a recession. The stock market can be volatile, but it’s important to know that the market always goes up in the long-term. If you’re willing to take a risk and invest wisely, you can actually make money from the fluctuations of the market. For example, if you buy stocks at a low point in the market, they are more likely to go up in value than stocks bought at a high point in the market.

4) Start a business

Starting a business can be a great way to make money during a recession. When the economy is bad, people are less likely to spend money on new clothes and dinners out. This means that you will have more time for your business and it will be easier to get customers because they’ll need your goods or services more than ever.

However, starting a business isn’t easy and requires careful consideration of the risks involved. Make sure you research your idea thoroughly so you know what challenges you might face when trying to turn an idea into a reality.

5) Sell items online

If you have items to sell, then try selling them online. This is a great way to make money during a recession because you can take your time to find the best price for your item.

If you don’t have items to sell, then consider starting a blog or filling in surveys online. If you are looking for long term income opportunities, then think about starting a business that focuses on either bartering (exchange of goods and services) or buying items at low cost and reselling them.

6) Do freelance work

If you don’t have a job and have a freelance skill set, take advantage of the recession. Freelancers are valuable in this time because they can work without any business overhead.

1. Start Your Own Web Site A web site can provide a range of opportunities to make money by selling advertising, affiliate products or even your own products. Making money online is easier than you might think!

2. Create and Sell Your Own Product If you have an idea for a product that would be beneficial to others, create and sell it yourself! This can include everything from crafts to home baked goods or just about anything else that is easy enough to produce on your own.

3. Become a Virtual Assistant Virtual assistants perform a variety of tasks such as social media management, research, editing and proofreading services, transcription services, data entry projects and more. The hours are flexible so virtual assistants often work remotely when needed. There’s no limit to what you can do as long as there is someone out there willing to pay for it!

4. Become an eBay Seller Selling items on eBay has become one of the easiest ways to make money during a recession–especially if you start with things that don’t cost much but still hold their value like collectibles or vintage items.

7) Rent out a room in your house

One way to make money during a recession is by renting out a room in your house. For example, if you live near a college and have an extra bedroom in your house, this might be a great time to rent it out to some students who are looking for temporary housing. Not only will you be providing them with a place to stay, but you’ll also be making some money.

There are many other ways you can make money during the recession, such as spending less on items like clothes or food; selling items on Craigslist or Ebay; or creating something unique and selling it online through Etsy.

8) Offer pet-sitting services

If you love animals, pet-sitting services could be a great way to make money during a recession. You can offer services to people who are going on vacation and want someone to look after their pets while they’re away.

Pet-sitting opportunities might also arise when owners go out of town for work or military deployment. If you live in a city with lots of pet-owning residents, then dog walking is another option you may have. If you really enjoy being around dogs, this could be an excellent opportunity for you to make money and help others at the same time!

9) Offer gardening services

One of the best ways to make money during a recession is to offer gardening services. Many people, who are unable to afford a gardener, will take advantage of this service. When you offer gardening services, your customers will be able to hire you on an as-needed basis which means they can pay for what they need without having to commit to a monthly fee.

You may have noticed that many homeowners are taking up gardening in order to save money; this is because it’s cheaper and easier than hiring a professional all year round. Hiring someone else for your gardening needs could be one of the best ways for you to make money during a recession if you’re willing and able (and qualified) enough.

10) Do yard work

One of the best ways to make money during a recession is by doing yard work. Yard work can often be a seasonal job, which means you have time to focus on other things in between seasons. What’s more, many homeowners are desperate for help with their yards and will pay handsomely for someone with the time and talent.

11) Offer snow removal services

Offer snow removal services. Snow removal is a highly-sought service during the winter months, so you can easily make money by offering to shovel out a driveway or walkway for your neighbors and friends. During a recession, people are more likely to spend their money on necessities than luxuries, and that includes snow removal services. So don’t hesitate to offer this service – you’ll be surprised how many people will take you up on the offer!

12) Wash cars

If you’re looking for a way to make some money during the recession, you may want to consider washing cars. The best part is that there are no start-up costs involved, and it’s not just an occasional job. There’s plenty of work available for those who have cars and want to make some extra cash. It’s a low-risk job that can be done in your own time.

13) Offer home cleaning services

A recession can be a tough time to make money, but there are some ways to get by! One way is to offer home cleaning services. With the economy in a slump, many people will have more time on their hands and may appreciate the extra help around the house. Start your own home cleaning service today and make money during a recession. Keep reading to learn about more ways you can make money during a recession

14) Offer laundry services

Trying to make money during a recession can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. One way to make some extra dough is to offer laundry services. Not only will you be able to provide a valuable service for your community, but it might also help you find some new clients for other services such as personal training or childcare.

Plus, the time spent on this business venture will give you something productive to do with your day and increase your chances of meeting your goals.
Offering laundry services is a great way to make money during a recession because it doesn’t require any startup capital and doesn’t involve selling anything. All you need are washing machine and dryer and someone who needs their clothes cleaned.

15) Be a personal shopper

Many people are struggling to make ends meet during the recession, and if you’re one of them, it can feel impossible to find a way to make some extra cash. However, there are many ways you can make money during a recession.

One popular option is to become a personal shopper. You can sign up as an affiliate or as an employee at sites. When someone buys something on your site after clicking through from your affiliate link or store tag, you’ll earn commission on that sale! Plus it’s easy enough for anyone to do; all you need is a computer with internet access and plenty of patience when dealing with customers’ questions.

In addition to these 15 recession-proof money-making ideas, we’ve included a valuable video which breaks down the strategies mentioned in this article in an easy-to-understand manner.

It offers practical tips, real-life examples, and insights on how to navigate financial challenges during a recession. Whether you’re new to the world of finance or an experienced investor, this video can help you gain a deeper understanding of how to secure your financial future, even in uncertain times. Take a few minutes to watch it and empower yourself with knowledge to thrive in any economic situation.


A recession is an economic downturn that can last anywhere from six months to several years. It’s often accompanied by high levels of unemployment and inflation, along with lower levels of trade and investment, which in turn lead to greater uncertainty among households and businesses.

However, recessions are usually followed by periods of economic expansion. And when this happens, the growth in the economy typically leads to increased opportunities for employment as well as more investment in business ventures. This is why it’s important to start thinking about how you can make money during a recession now- before one even takes place!